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Rubrics on Extempore

Learn all about our rubrics, including how to create them, share them, use them to score, and more.

Grant Castner avatar
Written by Grant Castner
Updated over 9 months ago

Rubrics Tab

Click the 'rubrics' button at the top menu to access the rubrics tab.

On the rubrics page, you'll see a few different headings.

  • District Rubrics: rubrics that administrators in your district/institution have created for you to access and use in your classes. Only district administrators can create and edit district-wide rubrics.

  • My Rubrics: rubrics that you have created or have copied over from another location

  • Shared with me: rubrics that another user has shared with you

  • Archived: rubrics that you have previously worked with but don't want to use anymore. Archived rubrics can be restored back to your account at any time.

  • Global Rubrics: rubrics created by the Extempore team for you to import to your account. These include standardized rubrics for AP, WIDA, TELPAS, and more. See more below. Use the search bar to find the specific rubric you need.

Creating Rubrics

To create a new rubric, click the 'create rubric' button in the top right corner of the rubrics tab and you'll see the page below.

Give your rubric a name, and then you can add more details. These details include..

Criteria: the variables you will be measuring in a given assessment with this rubric. Provide a name of a criterion and then add a description of what that entails.

Rating: window of possible point values for a given criterion.

Level: the point value for a students response under a given criterion. Provide a name of that level and then add a description so your students can understand where their responses fall for each criterion. Use the blue βž• icon to add more values for a given criterion.

Range: check the 'range' box to make each level a range of points instead of just one number.

One you've added your desired criteria and ratings, click 'save' or 'save and share' to finish your rubric and share with others.

Sharing Rubrics

Rubrics can be shared during the creation process, or after the rubric has already been created by editing the rubric and adding user or clicking on the blue "shared with" column from the rubric list.

Rubric Tags

To find rubrics and sort rubrics more efficiently, you can add tags to individual rubrics. Click 'manage tags' in the top right corner to create unique tags.

From there, click 'create tag' to add a tag, then provide a name and select the color you would like to use.

Once you have created tags, you can add them to individual rubrics from the 'edit rubric' page.

You can also filter to show only rubrics with specific tags from the rubrics page.

Adding rubrics to Questions

Rubrics are added to individual questions on Extempore. At the bottom of the question creation page, click the rubrics dropdown menu to add a rubric. Notice how rubrics are separated depending on their origin on the rubrics page.

Once added, your students will be able to preview these rubrics before responding to a given question with this rubric attached.

Scoring responses using new rubrics

Once you have responses from your students, you can navigate to the gradebook to score responses against your rubric.

Hover over the point values on the right hand side to see the scores and descriptions provided for each rating. Then, select the rating you feel best matches the student's response for that criteria. Provide feedback via the comments section and then submit to complete the scoring process.

Full Video

For a longer rubrics overview, watch Grant's walkthrough in the video below.

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