The step to connect/link assessments from Extempore is exactly that. It creates a link between assessments you've created in Extempore so that they will be made available to students within your LMS and display in the LMS Gradebook so that your Extempore Gradebook and LMS Gradebook will always be in sync.
How it works:
Connect Extempore assessments to your LMS via "External Tool" when adding new assignments/assessments in your LMS
If you do not have an Extempore teacher account, please contact your organization admin.
D2L Teachers (Add to D2L as Assignment)
Navigate to your course in D2L
Click the "Assignments" tab
New Assignment
Click the lightning bolt icon
Scroll to the bottom and select "Extempore"
Click "Connect" to attach the assignment
Important: Click the 'Save' button on the Extempore iFrame (this action creates the connects the assessment data for grade syncing)
Save and publish
D2L Teachers (Add to D2L as Content)
Navigate to your course in D2L
Click the "Content" tab
Click "Existing Activities"
Select "Extempore" from the Existing Activities list
Click "Connect" next to the Extempore assessment you would like to connect to D2L
The assignment will be saved to D2L as an 'Untitled Attachment', edit the name in D2L that will display for students.
Canvas Teachers
Create a new assignment in Canvas and
Select External Tool
Select "Extempore" from the list of external tools
Locate the Extempore assessment and click "Connect"
Save or Save & Publish the assessment in Canvas
Please note that there is a minor bug that might change the assignment name in Canvas to "Unknown Assessment" which Edlink is aware of and working to fix. For now, simply renaming the assessment once you see this will retain the edited name.
Load the assessment from Canvas
Click "Save" in Extempore to ensure Rubric point values are set in Canvas