How does it work?
Organization Commons is a private library of assessments curated by and only accessible to members of your organization. Each organization has the option to allow all educators within to share assessments to the commons, or only allow administrators to curate the content. Teachers in a given organization will always be able to import the content into their accounts.
How to get Organization Commons for your school/district:
Organization Commons are only available for paid accounts and can be requested by going to our request page or by contacting your account manager. At the time of the request, please let us know if all educators within your organization should have access to share assessments or if only administrators should have the ability to share.
Sharing assessments to your organization commons:
Contact support or your account manager to request your submission form link.
Importing assessments from my Org:
Assessments shared by your organization can be accessed by clicking Commons > My Commons at the top of your screen. After selecting My Commons, a new tab, similar to the image below, will open.
Org Commons FAQ:
Who has access to share assessments in my organization's commons?
There are two sharing options: (1) all educators can share or (2) only administrators can share.
How do I remove assessments from my organization's commons?
Please contact support or your account manager to request that an assessment be removed from your commons.
Can we edit an assessment that already exists in my organization's commons?
Yes, after editing the assessment, please contact support or your account manager with the "send to colleague" URL and which record within your commons should be updated.