Error Handling & Support Expectations
At Extempore, we aim to resolve technical issues efficiently by encouraging self‑service troubleshooting before reaching out to support. If you encounter an error, please follow these steps:
Refresh the page.
A simple refresh can often resolve the issue.Close and reopen your browser.
This can clear temporary issues related to caching or session data.Ensure your browser is up to date.
Use the latest version of Chrome, Edge, or Firefox (avoid Safari).Check your internet connection.
A stable connection is essential.Try a different device if possible.
This helps determine if the issue is device‑specific.Submit a support request.
If the error persists after these steps, please submit a support ticket so our team can investigate further.
Getting Started: Classes and Assessments
If You Use an Integration:
If your school or district uses Google Classroom or one of our LMS integrations, your classes are automatically created in your Extempore account. These classes sync with your integrated system to enroll students and synchronize grades.Manual Creation:
Even with an integration, you have the option to manually create a class. Many teachers like to do this—for example, to use a manual class as a folder for assessments or to copy assessments into their integrated classes.
Assessment Types
Individual Assessment:
Each student responds independently.Group Assessment:
Synchronous Group:
Students connect in real time (similar to Google Meet). Teachers can join live (using the “drop‑in” feature) or review recordings later. Only one question can be added per synchronous group assessment.Asynchronous Group:
Students collaborate at different times (currently, audio is the only response type). Only one question can be added per asynchronous group assessment.
Creating an Assessment:
You will create an assessment within a class so that your enrolled students can access it. You can also create an assessment as a draft. Later, you can assign it to a class when you’re ready by setting the start and due date.Assigning an Assessment:
When you assign an assessment to a class, all students in that class receive the assessment. (We plan to add options for selective assignments in the future.)Late Enrollment:
If a student joins your class after the assessment is created, they will automatically receive the assessment.
Assessment Availability & Deadlines
Start Date vs. Due Date:
Start Date: When the assessment becomes active.
Due Date: When it should be completed.
After the Due Date:
If late work is not accepted: The assessment closes.
If late work is accepted: Submissions are allowed but flagged as late.
Late Submission Tracking:
Late entries are timestamped in the gradebook.
Extra Features for your Assessments
Synchronous Group Assessments
What They Are:
Live sessions where students join at the same time. You can join these sessions using the “drop‑in” feature or review the recordings later.Resetting Synchronous Group Submissions:
If a student’s answer is still processing, you can reset their submission if needed from the "drop-in" screen. When students have submitted synchronous group recordings can be reset from the grade book, similar to all other response types.
Previewing Assessments
View as Student:
Use this feature to see the assessment exactly as your students will see it.Gradebook Impact:
Answers given in “View as Student” mode do not count in the gradebook, so you can test your assessment safely.
Rubrics and Grading
Custom Rubrics:
Create your own simple grid-based rubrics that show different levels of performance.District-Wide Rubrics:
Sometimes, district administrators provide standard rubrics for all teachers. This helps everyone compare results.Reporting:
Using standard rubrics makes it easier to collect data from many classes for overall reporting.Resetting Individual Student Submissions:
To reset an individual student submission, you can navigate to the gradebook and reset per question.Can an entire assessment be reset instead of resetting each question one at a time?
No, currently each question needs to be reset individually.
Assessment Importing
Duplicating Assessments:
You can copy your own assessments along with their rubrics.Importing from Colleagues:
Import assessments shared by other teachers. All questions and rubrics will be transferred automatically.
Group Assessments and Enrollment
Group Assignment:
Student groups are created automatically based on the students in your class when you set up the assessment.Late Enrollment for Synchronous Groups:
If students join after a synchronous group assessment is created, they are not added automatically. In that case, copy the assessment to include the new students.Late Submissions:
Synchronous group assessments do not allow late answers. The due date is final.
Question Prompts
Question Response Types
Video Response:
Students record a video.Audio Response:
Students record an audio message.Text Response:
Students type their answers.Multiple Choice (Single Select):
Automatically graded options.Simulated Conversation:
Uses pre‑recorded audio prompts with built‑in pauses; both the student’s response and the prompt are recorded simultaneously.Screen Recording:
Students record their screen; teachers can choose if the student’s face is also shown.
Question Types & Media Support
Supported Prompts:
Prompts may include text, audio, video, or images (e.g., Text only, Text + Video).
Note: Audio and video cannot be combined in one prompt; they must be separate questions.
Safe Mode and Other Preferences
Safe Mode
What Is Safe Mode?
Safe Mode is an option in your account settings that helps keep the assessment secure.How It Works:
Warns students if they leave the assessment screen.
Prevents students from reviewing their answers until you publish feedback.
Stops copying, pasting, and downloading of responses.
Hides future assessments so students see only what they need to.
Turning It On:
Go to your Account Preferences and check the box for Safe Mode.
Late Work Preferences
Accepting Late Work:
You can choose to accept work after the due date by turning on “Accept Late Work.”Default Setting:
Late work is not accepted by default and must be enabled.How It Appears:
Late answers are marked with a timestamp in the gradebook.
Technical and Integration Help
Extra Technical Tips
Student Attempt Status “In Progress”:
Sometimes a student’s attempt shows as “in progress” for up to five minutes. Refresh the gradebook to see any updates.Grading Progress Not Saving:
Make sure you have a good internet connection and try refreshing the page.
Google Classroom Integration
Syncing with Google Classroom:
Use the “Sync with Google Classroom” button. Follow the steps to authorize your account and select the class.Roster Issues:
Students will appear as “pending” until they complete their first assessment.Removing Students:
If a student is removed from Google Classroom, re‑syncing will update Extempore.Synchronous Groups:
For those using Google Classroom, synchronous groups become available after the first individual assessment is created. Until then, the option is grayed out.Google Classroom Classes not Displaying in Extempore to Sync:
If you clicked on the sync with Google Classroom button and you are not seeing one of the classes that you expect, this is typically related to one of two options: The class within Google Classroom being archived, or in a different state other than active. Or, If the class was previously synced to Extempore but was then archived within Extempore, the way to resolve this is to go to the archived class page in Extempore and restore the classes that you're trying to sync. This will allow you to re-sync to Google Classroom, and those classes will display as options to select from.
LMS Integration (LTI‑1.3 & API)
Connecting Your LMS:
Follow your LMS’s instructions to add Extempore as an external tool, then log in to Extempore to authenticate each class.Grade Sync:
Ensure that grades are published and that the LMS identifier shows on the assessment. If not, try copying the assessment and deleting the old version.Student Access:
For best results, have students access Extempore through the LMS. They can also use the “Sign in with LMS” button.
Troubleshooting Assessment not Syncing to LMS
From the assessment list within the class inside of Extempore, there should be an LMS identifier which means that the assessment was successfully synced to your LMS when it was created or imported. If no LMS icon displays, that means there was an issue syncing the assessment in the first place. The way to resolve this is to copy the assessment and delete the old one, assuming the new one correctly syncs and displays the LMS identifier.
If the assessment did not sync to the LMS, the grades will never sync either, since the initial connection was never established.
Troubleshooting Grades not Syncing to LMS
If you've graded submissions on Extempore, and those grades are not syncing to your LMS, there are a few things to check to determine why the grades are not syncing as expected.
If you've graded an entire assessment within Extempore, and no grades have synced to your LMS, the most common reason would be if grades have not yet been published within Extempore. From the Extempore grade book, if the 'eye icon' is crossed out, you will know that grades have not yet been published. Clicking on the three dots in the column header will allow you to publish the grades from Extempore.
If grades have been published within Extempore, but some or all of them are still not syncing to your LMS. Clicking on the 'gear' button in the top right will open a pop up with the option to re-sync grades to the LMS. You will need to refresh the page from your LMS to determine if grades synced after taking this step.
If re-syncing grades to your LMS still did not resolve the issue and display the grades within your LMS. As expected, there is a chance that your integration tokens have expired. Logging out of your Extempore account and then logging back in will refresh your tokens, and then you can retry the re-syncing grades to LMS step again.