As a district admin, you will have the ability to manage users from your Extempore account, which allows you to impersonate instructor accounts from within your district, add/remove campuses, move instructors between campuses, view last login date, and the total number of enrollments.
These options are located in the 'Manage Users' from a District Admin account.
Login to your Extempore admin account
Select your username in the top right
Select 'Manage users'
Impersonating Instructor Accounts:
Impersonating an instructor account as a district admin will allow you to view everything that the instructor can see as well as do anything the instructor can do from their account.
Expand the campus to view the instructors
Click the 'eye' icon to impersonate the instructor account
Moving Instructor between Campus's
This option allows district admins to reassign an instructor to a different campus, which is primarily used for reporting purposes to ensure that the teacher's data is connected to the correct campus.
Select the checkbox to the left of the instructors name
Use the dropdown to select a new Campus
Click 'Move' to finalize the change
If your District integrates your LMS with Extempore, the steps for adding/removing campus's should not be taken as Campus data will automatically sync from your LMS.
Adding a New Campus
Districts using the Google Classroom integration or no integration are the ones who will primarily utilize this feature.
Click the plus icon in the top right
Add a name, acronym, admin email, and sign up message
Deleting a Campus
If your district uses Extempore with an LMS integration, this step should not be taken as Campus data will automatically sync.
Navigate to the 'Manage user' page
Click the 'Trash' icon next to the Campus you want to delete
Admin 'Manage Users' FAQ
Can a campus that has instructors and submissions be deleted?
No. Instructors must be assigned to a new campus before being able to delete a campus that has active users and submissions.