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Extempore Sign In

Follow the links below to log into your account

Sam Slagle avatar
Written by Sam Slagle
Updated over 7 months ago

There are a few ways to sign into Extempore, depending on which integration your district or university is using. Please expand the section below that applies to how you should be accessing Extempore

Non-Integration Users or Google Classroom Teachers

1. Go to and click "Sign In"

Instructor Sign In

Enter your username/password OR sign in with Google or Apple SSO.

Student Sign In

Enter your username/password OR sign in with Google or Apple SSO.

Google Classroom Students

If you're a student you will automatically be logged in when you access an assignment from Google Classroom.

  1. Navigate to your Google Classroom class

  2. Select an Extempore Assignment

  3. Select "Login from Google Classroom"

After clicking on the assignment in Google Classroom you will be brought to this screen.

Once you sign in you will be brought to the Extempore Assignment.

LMS Teachers/Students (Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, etc.)

LMS users can SSO to Extempore directly from the LMS by clicking on Extempore in the left navigation or by going directly to the Extempore Login page and selecting "Sign in with your LMS"

Additional Resources:

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