Before creating an account, please note the following:
The only way to create a student account is from the class enrollment link shared by an Extempore instructor.
Students who log in via Google Classroom or another LMS will automatically have an Extempore account created upon accessing an assessment on Extempore.
Create a student account on Extempore
Watch the video below to see how to create a student account, or scroll down and follow the written directions.
Step 1: When you click on the enrollment link provided by your instructor, you will be redirected to the class welcome page, where you will create a new Extempore account or add the class to an existing Extempore account (if you have a student account from a previous class).
Step 2. When you create a new account, you have two options as seen below. You can enroll via single sign-on with either a Google or Apple ID, or you can create an account manually by entering your name and email and creating a password.
Once complete, you'll see a confirmation screen and will receive an email with this information.
Additional Resources: