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Admin: Integrating D2L with Extempore

Learn how Extempore supports SSO, Rostering, Assignment/Grade sync for D2L

Abbai Habte avatar
Written by Abbai Habte
Updated over a week ago

Extempore features deep and powerful integrations with all learning management systems and single sign-on providers like D2L. This makes it a breeze to roster students, collaborate, and grade on Extempore.

Integrating with D2L simply requires a 5-minute call with your IT team and 24 hours to populate all the data into Extempore.

LMS Functionality:

  • SSO - Single Sign on from D2L.

  • Class Rostering - Automatically provisions teachers accounts/classes and rosters students.

  • Assignment Sync - Assignments created on Extempore will automatically sync to D2L for students to access.

  • Grade Sync - Grades provided on Extempore will automatically sync to your D2L gradebook.

Interested in seeing all of our integrations? Visit our LMS integration overview page.

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